Who We Are
Who is Zion UCC?

At Zion Arendtsville UCC, we view all church members as active ministers in this world encouraging them to use their gifts and talents every day. Our lay leaders serve in various capacities including consistory members, committee chairs, project leaders and activity leaders. Through the transforming power of Jesus, Zion UCC strives to be disciples - and make disciples - as we worship, seek closer fellowship within the Body of Christ, grow in faith thru study, serve our neighbors, and bring the light of Christ into the lives of others. We are a goal-directed congregation, with a heart for mission and service. We are a small church that is reforming, a church that continues to grow and learn.
Adams County & Zion Arendtsville UCC
Zion UCC sits squarely in the center of Arendtsville, a beautiful, historic, small town nestled in the orchards of upper Adams County (Pennsylvania). Many of our residents have roots that span multiple generations, and quite a few of Zion UCC members are active farmers and/or fruit growers with others having their own gardens. “Farm to table” is not a new concept in our area, but rather the normal way of life for a great many of us. Our connection to God’s good earth, and what it can provide, is very real and immediate. Our responsibility to care for God’s Creation is reflected in the blooming orchards and fields, as well as the flower beds in front of our houses. Our members value our rural setting, and it also values our proximity to Gettysburg – an area rich with history including an important battle that was fought during the Civil War.
Outreach & Missions at Zion Arendtsville UCC
Zion Arendtsville UCC has an active role in our larger community. We have a core group of dedicated lay leaders and we are known for our mission/outreach projects. As the upper Adams area continues to grow and diversify, we seek to mirror that growth and diversity in our church by attracting and welcoming new individuals and families, both young and old, into our membership. Zion is a community-focused church with many outreach projects. UACT (Upper-Adams Christians Together) was formed as a consortium of local churches for the purpose of serving God, and our neighbors, through cooperative ministries. The churches accomplish this goal by sharing resources, maximizing social capital, and growing in Christian love. Zion Arendtsville UCC is proud to have a leadership role within UACT.
Rev. Heather Kurtz
Rev. Heather loves to travel, especially to England, she also loves cooking, reading, spending time with family and friends. She loves to laugh! She has a passion for creative worship and involving everyone in various aspects of the service. Rev. Kurtz has a heart for outreach. She has worked on Native American Reservations, served communion to the Homeless in the woods and has organized an ecumenical group to serve the community.

Rev. Heather began serving at Zion UCC in May of 2021. Previously, she served as minister at Grace UCC, Northampton, Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church UCC in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, and Associate Minister at Dublin Community Church UCC in Dublin, Ohio. She attended Defiance College, where she received a dual degree in Religious Studies and Christian Education. She then attended United Theological Seminary and received her M.Div. degree in May 2001. Heather also received a certificate in Youth and Theology from Princeton Seminary.
Rev. Kurtz has been involved in a number of pursuits ranging from interning at the National Office of the United Church of Christ, to overseas ministry in the United Reform Church in England. Rev. Heather has been trained as a Coach for ministry and has trained others to be a coach. She has taken courses from Lombard Mennonite Peace Centers which includes Family Systems and Mediation/Conflict Training.
Heather Kurtz is a native of Ephrata, Pennsylvania and has been ordained for 20 years.
Ken Shafer
Ken Shafer has been the sexton for 5 years and lives in Arendtsville.

Cindy Bushey
Hi, I am Cindy Bushey and I am in my third fun-filled year as the Office Manager at Zion UCC! I retired from a local school district where I was an administrative assistance in the district office and moved right into Zion’s office. There is a lot of laughter in at Zion which makes it a great place to work. When not working, I greatly enjoy reading, walking, and spending time with my husband, Roger, three kids, and six grandkids as well as extended family.

Chris Byers
Chris Byers has been the Christian Ed Coordinator since 2021. In her spare time she loves spending time with her girls, grandchildren and family.

Choir Director and Accompanist
Zion is currently searching for our next Choir Director and Accompanist. Interested persons can email us at zion_ucc_arendtsville@comcast.net or call us at 717-677-8319.